Kayden has an ear infection, again. This is his third one in his short little time here. I feel so bad for him. He was up
all night night before last. He only slept from 7:30 to 11:00 p.m. He finally fell asleep when I let him watch cartoons at 7:00 a.m. But only for a little while. Man what a long night. You never think about these types of things when you're preparing for a family. Sure you know you'll be up all night, but I think it's more of the "Sure, sure, I may loose some sleep at first, but the baby will adjust." Kayden was a great sleeper in the begining. At first I thought something was wronge with him because he slept so well. But then he started getting teeth.......sigh! It went downhill from there. Since then there has been many a restles nights and some where sleep never is an option. The worst part is when it doesn't even bother you any more. You can still go to work, clean your house and all the other daily life drudgery without much effect on you. That is bothersome. To know that only three years ago, if I would have gotten as little sleep as I did that night, I would have been a walking zombie. Paint me green and call me dead, I couldn't have functioned without my good old 7 hours. Now, sleep, not sleep, uh what's the difference?
Listen to me ramble.....The good news is, Kayden has medication for his hears and it will be better in no time. He isn't even acting like it's bothering him. What a trooper.....